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How to maintain crystals?

Imagine treating crystals like computers; whether worn as jewelry or displayed as ornaments, they absorb various kinds of information and energy in daily life, and just like computers, they require periodic “virus scanning” and “performance optimization.” If we diligently and effectively carry out their routine maintenance, crystals can efficiently reboot their energy and continue to function optimally. This step is crucial and should not be neglected, as it is key to maintaining their effectiveness.

How to maintain crystals?

Crystals derive their energy from nature, and they act like sponges, absorbing external influences such as environmental, human, and negative energies. These energies adhere to the surface of the crystals, impeding the flow of their internal energy and diminishing their intended benefits. Just as computers accumulate useless files and junk data over time, slowing down their performance, crystals also need regular purification to maintain their best condition.

So, how do we “scan for viruses” and purify crystals? Here are some practical methods:

  1. Water Purification: Place crystals under running water, such as from a stream, waterfall, or faucet, allowing the clear water to wash away the negative energies adhering to the surface. This method is simple and suitable for most types of crystals.

  2. Moonlight Purification: During a full moon or new moon, place crystals under the moonlight for at least three hours. The pure energy of the moonlight can purify the crystals and replenish their energy.

  3. Saltwater Purification: Soak crystals in saltwater, such as sea salt or coarse salt water. Saltwater, with its powerful absorbing capabilities, can effectively remove negative energies from the crystals and purify their energy fields. However, note that some crystals prone to corrosion, like celestite and malachite, should avoid this method.

  4. Purification Ceremony: Utilize tools such as incense, singing bowls, or crystal bowls to perform a solemn purification ceremony. Allow the crystals to be thoroughly cleared of negative energies in an energy field filled with purification. The content and tools of the ceremony can be selected according to personal preferences and needs.

In addition to purification, crystals also need regular “charging” to maintain their abundant energy. Here are some methods for charging crystals:

  1. Sunlight Charging: On sunny days, place crystals in the sunlight for at least three hours. Sunlight not only replenishes the energy of the crystals but also enhances their energy frequency. However, note that some crystals prone to fading, like amethyst and rose quartz, should avoid prolonged direct exposure.

  2. Moonlight Charging: Similarly, during a full moon or new moon, let the crystals bask in the moonlight, enjoying its nourishment and replenishment.

  3. Crystal Cluster Charging: Place crystals on a crystal cluster, utilizing the powerful energy field of the cluster to charge the crystals. This method is particularly suitable for some crystals with weaker energy, like rose quartz and amethyst.

  4. Natural Energy Charging: Bring crystals into nature, such as forests, mountains, or beaches, allowing them to absorb the pure energy of the natural environment. This method is applicable to all types of crystals and can comprehensively enhance their energy frequency.

Through regular purification and charging, we can ensure that crystals remain in their best condition, fully exerting their energetic benefits. Just as computers require periodic maintenance to run smoothly, crystals also need our meticulous care and maintenance to continuously bring us positive energy and blessings.

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